The Island of Fajãs

São Jorge, one of the most beautiful islands in the Azores Archipelago, is known for its charming Fajãs, recently classified as a biosphere reserve. It is an island of cliffs, fajãs and one of the greenest in the entire archipelago!

Traveling to São Jorge, the contrast of the mountain range that crosses the island for almost the entire length is striking. Fajã is a term that designates a flat land, cultivable, located by the sea. They result from the penetration into the sea of ​​lava flows from a volcano. There are more than 40 fajãs on this island.

With so many fajãs in São Jorge, it is almost impossible to say which one is the most beautiful! However, here are some of these wonderful places created by nature:

– Fajã da Caldeira de Santo Cristo;

– Fajã dos Vimes;

– Fajã do Ouvidor;

– Fajã de João Dias;

– Fajã dos Cubres;

– Fajã dos Bodes.

Fajã da Caldeira de Santo Cristo is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and most visited on the island, especially by surfers. Taste the delicious São Jorge cheese, clams, barnacles, limpets and even crabs! The green landscapes, the crystal clear waters and the tranquility of the island – these are the main reasons why the island of São Jorge is one of the most visited in the archipelago. Everyone who visits the island will have a unique experience!

Be happy and take the opportunity to get to know this place that will surely stay in your memories forever!